that was the moment!!
all had to siam to the side!
wish dont usually come true...
this GPA 4 is so striking i know..
my sis wrote first!
on the hanging bridge!
waiting for the driver to lead us around!
yes, that is the place!!
walking along the track to get to the place
yeah one more!
finally reached and already could feel the drop in temperature..
it's not man-made ok!
then to this place!!!
different colors symbolise different blessings!
entrance tickets to the waterfall!
the driver quickly snaped for us! HAHAH!
I'm sorry but have no choice to split Day 2 into 3 parts!
From Yeh liu, we got approached by a taxi driver and he was a licensed certified Kee Lung-Jiu Fen- Shi Fen guide..
My sister was tired and lazy and decided to board the cab despite the price..
We wanted to go 九分 & 十分 quite badly after all the forums I had found..
but from what i had gathered the route there is very complicated and what i didnt expect what it is located at some hill/mountain. YEA GG.
it was abt an hour ride, the road was narrow and it went higher n higher till my ear got blocked.. Because these places are quite inaccessible yet considered tourists' spots, those trained drivers are also the tour guide to the areas mentioned above.
he brought to the waterfall and got us cheaper rates! :D
Totally cant compare to the one we have at Jurong Bird Park =XXX
Had a good time exploring and we went to the Shi Fen Street to put lantern!(孔明灯)
There were also several singaporeans spotted cause they wrote all the 4D n TOTO stuffs. LOL.
I was after the academic one while sister wanted the career colour so we bought the combined one at only about $5!
After writing and taking photos(which is a must), we released it into the air! omg, seriously..
Sorry cant help much with getting to the place cause I took a taxi. HAHAH!
I shall stop this post, quite abrupt but Day 2 havent ended uh! :D
PS: I still have the driver's namecard, he wont scam u cause he has the booklet of the prices stated. He ferried alot of singaporeans n malaysians! I doubted him at first but he really changed my perspective towards him after the day, he was really helpful and wanted us to really enjoy our trip in taiwan! omg. He knew I hate cigg and he only smoked during toilet break! HAHA! I shall reveal more of his kindness in my next update! Singapore's drivers... =X
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