Wednesday, July 14, 2010


had lunch with twj at hougang mall
THT, why is the ice cream stall always not in operation de?!?! HAHAHA!
wanted to do acct while i still have 30 mins..
but i decided not to, forcing too much sometimes make things worse..
SO i dragged him up to arcade to shoot ball! HAHAHA!
the whole timezone was empty, i own it ma! LOL.
took 27 all the way to tamp. coolio! i'm seated ok!
so i studied acct to prepare for tut coz i nv do tutorial. =X

Dawn commented that i should be more demanding.
Ruby bought me a bottle of pulpy when i reached sch. thanks.
I'm not being bullied. I'm just putting in extra efforts in what matters to me.
I have a soft heart, but
I have a strong mind.
I don't shout and scold.
I wait for changes. It's relatively dumb though.
When it's time to face the consequence, don't weep.
We will reap what we sow.
I have come thus far.

acct tut was damn SHIOK. straight 2 hours switching into that acct mode and writing non-stop. practically can collapse after the tut.
walking out of sch and saw SIEWBAO!!
so i SHOUTED down from level 2!!!LOL!
she was damn ps!! hehe!
HEADWAITER for TOPTABLE leh! jiayou baobao!!

I love people who influence me positively. Companies matter. (:

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