class chairman jiu shi classman!
candid shot
such a lovely teacher, so shy and humble
never raise his voice before even when the class is chaotic and partying
never find that we are stupid coz the class always cant perform well for acct.
encouraging enough to keep us going
like brothers...
HAHAH purposely..
andre sanitizing tables sio!
nq's mother took this, she warned us of her skills previously.LOL
such a lovely teacher, so shy and humble
never raise his voice before even when the class is chaotic and partying
never find that we are stupid coz the class always cant perform well for acct.
encouraging enough to keep us going
quite prominent, since she's the only one carrying so many stuffs!! HAHAHA!
hardworking jiu shi hardworking!
all at $2 only!!
want come? VISIT SUGARLOAF!!!
loacted at TCA(beside swimming pool), end of engine sch, make a left turn!
mud-slide cookie!!! SUPER SLURP!
can be sold out within half an hour, standard!!!
happen to see at cashier counter and i grabbed it immediately LOL
went to sch early to support the wed grp.
nice decor! :D
i chiong to cake counter to buy take away first if not i will leave sugarloaf with disappointment coz fruit tarts will be gone then.
i spent $23 today leh, my first record of $20s.
nq brought her mum to dine in and they spent $40. LOL!
got back marketing project, quite thankful for the grade.
got back acct test 2, no one gets A, so freaking sad..
BUT pat gets A in her overall grade! :DDD
ANDRE, my shi fu, i will work hard to push my B+ to A! HAHAHAHA!
my family is enjoying the pastries from suagrloaf :D
my family is enjoying the pastries from suagrloaf :D
twj will get the mud-slide then!
oh man, i'm so sweet! HAHAHAHA!
PS, my YOG duties will be starting from this week till 29th. sucks man.
pls let me know if we are going out asap coz i need to inform them.
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