Friday, June 24, 2011

23/6/2011 Thursday

Our restaurant's menu! :DDD But, we spent freaking $25 printing this and income statement. damn it!

Submitted our report today! Bloody thick. I wonder how many brain cells were dead cause of this.

German pork knuckle.

yc's mango+beer??

ivan's coffee which cost him $10. LOL.

sze's, some cheese pasta...

bao's curry sausage with wedges

my chicken sausage with potato salad

nq's grilled pork sausage

Went back to school to settle FNB project and after a final round of editing and collating, we finally printed it. It was damn heavy cause it's super thick. MADNESS. I think there's like 90 pages.. but we felt damn good upon submitting today.. We discussed MICE after lunch, hate MICE project!!! Our life is like project after project, and the cycle goes on...

Dinner for Andre's belated birthday @ Brotzeit German Bar and Restaurant. It was quite packed with working adults at night and we felt so out of place, but dont judge youngsters. HAHA! The prices are not very affordable for our age though! It was still a nice experience dining there. But maybe get all the staffs to go through SSM in school to improve their service skills. HAHA! We had a nice chat along the board walk where we gave andre the bakerzin's cake! But it kinda got damaged a little! D: YEAH! Andre loves the presents!!! :D

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