Friday, July 29, 2011

Cherishing the time with them

One more presentation down!!!
Informal shot!

With phy!

with xiaowei!

And bryan suddenly came and asked for a photo
Some pictures were taken yst while we were reluctant to change into sports attire and head for napfa. =X

MICE presentation, and i was almost late. I'm not trying to blame my uncle hor. HAHAH! I rushed and WORSE thing happened was I left my cue cards at home. OM_G. So I had to present without the "confidence" but thankfully I managed to rmb what my lines were but I added and left out some as well. HAHAHAH! Now for MICE, there is only 40% exam left. Alright, so shall put that aside and focus on other coursework before mugging my ass off for exams. *winks*

I had dinner with my cousins, a very simple one but at least I got to spend time with them since one will be enlisting soon. D:

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