Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Life so far

AWWW! It felt as though 4 of us were in r/s and facing a break-up now. As much as we miss one another, we still can't meet for our usual dinner NOW. Still getting emotional over them when I chatted with bao the other day! Her fault loh!!! HAHAHA! Nonetheless, 4 of us are separated for the time being, one in Hangzhou enjoying life only I swear, one in Shanghai which reunites her with the other part of family and one flying around hahaha! While I'm the only pathetic one STUCK in SG. Bao seems to be travelling around HZ like a tourist loh! HAHAH! I'm waiting for lotsa pictures! China is experiencing a temp change now, it's turning colder each day, take good care ok both SH!

I'm stuck with morning shift this week and waking up at 4.45am everyday rushing for first LRT n MRT. F1 week is also dress down week!! We're dressed in a diff set of uniform, save time n hassle! Can't wait for F1 to be over so at least I know oct is knocking on the door. I've made new friends from RP n SP! :D I'm going to turn in at 10, way too mentally tiring, physically tiring if u consider standing on heels everyday. Can u imagine clubbing w heels for 4 hours can kill already... I still have a 12hours shift awaiting me... *MUST SRUVIVE!*

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