Friday, December 09, 2011

Happy 19th birthday, belated

Happy birthday boy! :D

Hope u like the cookie n cream cake! As well as the cake that u havent gotten to see! LOL!

Basically we didnt spend his bday celebrating or what.. Because he was super tired from previous day/night. He left camp to CDC to fetch me home and we headed to compass. I bought him a cake without him knowing *wink*

Back to his place, there was another cake waiting. hahaha! So he had 2 cakes to cut! Had a good time laughing at the photo taking. hehehe

I'm thankful for whoever that was comforting me. :D

I miss siewbao, nianqi and szehui!!!! (Y)

Alright, twj, grow up already ok! This is the 5th bday I'm celebrating with u! LOVES!

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